Malta has evolved into an internationally recognized business hub. Malta has been an EU member since 2004 and part of the Euro Zone since 2008, therefore the main currency is the Euro.

The competitiveness of Malta is derived from its taxation benefits , cost structure and advantageous fiscal landscape . The Maltese taxation regime benefits from a full imputation system as well as over 60 Double Tax Treaty Agreements. Costs and fees in Malta for accounting, legal, operational and salaries are lower than most other European Jurisdictions.

The financial services industry in Malta is monitored by a single regulator, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA). MFSA is the unified regulator for all banking, investment and insurance businesses in Malta. The financial industry and banking industry has been well regulated by the MFSA who took a cautious approach to its development which left both industries relatively untouched by the global financial crisis. The MFSA has been praised as being approachable and flexible to ease the process for companies investing in Malta. Several international banks and corporations have established a presence in Malta.

Malta’s strategic geographic location is heightened by daily flight connections to all major European as well as North African countries. The telecommunication industry is also very accommodating to the financial services industry with a variety of telecom companies, internet hosting and website hosting companies.

Malta was given a Fitch Rating of ‘A’ with a stable outlook in April 2013. In another report also published in April 2013, entitled “Small Countries, Big Banking Systems: How Malta And Luxembourg Differ From Cyprus” from Standard & Poor’s, Malta was praised for its strong and secure banking system.

International Recognition for Malta:

 • 13th soundest banking system- World Economic Forum Global competitiveness 2012-2013

• 15th position in financial market development- World Economic Forum Global competitiveness 2012-2013

• 1st in online sophistication and full online availability- eGovernment Benchmarking Report 2010

• 3rd for overall quality of life- International Living 2011

• 1st for best climate- International Living 2011